For years I've been talking about the many ways in which students attempt to deny their inappropriate behavior. And the more I talked about it, the more aware I became of how prevelant these sadly predictable denial strategies have become in the modern classroom.
To be able to respond to the strategies effectively requires that we first recognize them so that we can then response in an appropriate manner. Without the ability to do those two things, the misbehaviors and the denials will only escalate.
Here's the first of what will eventually be a seven-part series. [Not sure when I'll have the time to get back to creating more. It's now been over a year since the original post. Sigh.]
Anyway, click on the image below and you'll be able to download the PDF. (Six pages; 564KB)
iPad people: If you are using Safari on your iPad to view this page, you'll be given the option--after you tap on the image--to open it in iBooks. It will end up in the PDF Collection.
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